Ten ways to cheer yourself up in seconds!

Sometimes, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the weight of our thoughts and what is going on in our everyday lives. In those moments it’s easy to believe that the pain, sadness or frustration you’re experiencing will last forever but it’s important to remember one fundamental truth: this feeling is temporary.  When you find yourself feeling like this, all it takes is a little moment of self-care to help put yourself in a better mood. Try to focus on activities that bring you joy and happiness.  Maybe it’s watching your favourite movie or tv show or taking a walk in nature. Take time for yourself and prioritise your mental health.  Surround yourself with positivity and find comfort in activities you enjoy.

1.     Self care.

In the fast-paced hustle and bustle of today's world, it's all too easy to forget about the most important person in your life – yourself. Self-care entails recognising when we need rest and relaxation. Whether it's taking a long bath surrounded by candles, indulging in a good book or booking a well-deserved vacation. Giving ourselves permission to rest and rejuvenate is not only beneficial but necessary for our overall well-being. Need some help getting started, try using a ‘self care checklist’.

2.     Go for a walk outside

Take a walk in the sunshine, soak in some Vitamin D and breathe in some fresh air. Engaging in exercise releases endorphins, which are known as the "feel-good" hormones and provides an opportunity to escape the chaos of daily life and find a sense of peace and stillness. It allows the mind to wander and encourages creative thinking, problem-solving, and improved focus.

3.     Listen to your favourite music

Take a break from the worries of the world, plug in your earphones, have a dance and let your favourite music carry you away and lift your spirits.

4.     Watch your favourite tv show or movie.

Put on a feel good movie, or even better, a comedy! Laughter releases endorphins and can instantly boost your mood, it really is the best medicine!

5.     Call someone who always puts you in a good mood.

It's magical how a simple call can transform your mood.

6.     Have a quiet cuppa.

As life constantly pulls us in different directions demanding our attention and energy, it becomes vital to prioritise some moments of me time. A quiet cuppa can provide you with a moment of peace.

7.     Spend time with your pet.

Pets offer unwavering companionship and support through the highs and lows of life. Whether it's a wagging tail, a comforting purr, or a gentle snuggle, pets have an incredible ability to provide emotional stability and put you in a good mood.

8.     Practice some gratitude.

Often, we find ourselves caught up in the fast-paced whirlwind of life, neglecting the simple things that surround us and reasons to be grateful. It may be a warm cup of coffee in the early morning, that friend who calls you each day just to say hello or the stranger who smiles as you pass each day on your morning walk. By consciously opening your mind and developing a sense of gratitude, you will learn to appreciate the little things. Try using a gratitude tracker to get you started.

9.     Plan something to look forward to. 

There is something magical about the feeling of counting down the days until that special moment. It injects a sense of happiness and positivity into our everyday routine. Having an exciting event, holiday or catch up on the horizon can make even the most mundane tasks seem bearable because we know that something that will make you smile is coming.  

10.  Take a nap or head to bed early.

Sleep is often overlooked as an essential component of overall well-being. In our fast-paced and hectic lives, it is easy to sacrifice sleep in order to accomplish everything we want to get through each day. However, neglecting our sleep can have profound consequences on our well-being.  Try taking a quick nap or get to bed early. This will allow your body and mind to recover from stressful physical or emotional events from your day.

For our top 20 tips for a better night’s sleep, click here

The next time you find yourself consumed by grief, overwhelmed by stress, or lost in the depths of sadness, remember: this feeling is temporary. Embrace it, learn from it, and take solace in the knowledge that brighter days lie ahead.


Having trouble sleeping? Achieving a better night’s sleep is easier than you think.